FREE Newsletter

Sugar For My Coffee
Relationship and Personal Development Newsletter

Sugar For My Coffee Relationship and Personal Development NEWSLETTER is now available FREE to our subscribers.

The segment considered to be one of the most creative and intriguing parts of our website and booklets is now available direct to you as a FREE NEWSLETTER.

Each issue is power-packed with thought provoking relationship advice, personal development insight and ideas for improving your relationships and your life.

The Coffee Shop of Make-Believe is OPEN!

Through this relationship and personal development resource you can pour yourself a cup of

coffee, pull up a chair and join with other subscribers as we get to know some of the greatest “lights” shining in the world today.

You will meet masters of business success, leaders in self-improvement and many of the best life and relationship coaches of our time.

You will receive quality relationship advice and life success insight as you are introduced by cyberspace to some of the worlds most gifted authors, speakers and leaders from around the world.

Find out how getting to know our special guest each month in The Coffee Shop of Make-Believe can have a positive impact on your life.

Grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair and come join us in the coffee shop.


    Don’t worry — your e-mail address is totally secure.
    I promise to use it only to send you Sugar For My Coffee.

    This FREE resource includes:

    • Introductions to Success Mentors and masters of personal development for life empowerment and relationship success.
    • Great articles on relationship building and life enrichment.
    • Special introductory offers for our subscriber and much, much more.

    For SAMPLE back issues of this Newsletter, CLICK HERE.

    The Coffee Shop of Make-Believe is OPEN. Pull a chair up to the table, pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy reading our Relationship, Life Enrichment and Personal Development Newsletter.

    Did someone say, “Pass The Sugar Please”?