Sugar For Coffee

Warriors For Lasting Love, Marriage
and Family Values

If building a lasting love and strong marriage interest you, the relationship building advice you will receive from the following two great masters of relationship enrichment will be invaluable.

Welcome to the segment I like to call, SUGAR FOR MY COFFEE.

Because lasting love is the theme of this site, on this page we will discover the individual(s) with whom this author would be most honored to sit across from and share a coffee break.

I close all my writings with this, and each coffee guest blends with the theme of the material covered. That person’s presence at the table would be “Sugar For My Coffee”.

Today’s coffee break guests:

  • Dr. James Dobson
  • Dr. Gary Smalley

Dr. James Dobson
Recognized everywhere for his years of service at “Focus on the Family”, Dr. Dobson epitomizes marriage, love and family values.

I would be humbled to share a coffee break with this glorious man whose ministry has provided such wonderful service to the world.

The relationship books this man has written have enriched lives all around the world.

Books by Dr. Dobson include:

Love for a Lifetime

What Wive’s Wish Their Husband’s Knew About Women

Emotions – Can You Trust Them?

Dr. Gary Smalley
Perhaps the greatest communicator of our time regarding the differences between men and women! His insights on love, marriage and relationships are treasured all over the world.

For decades Dr. Smalley has blessed the world with humorous and heartfelt insights on building lasting love and strong marriages. Dr. Gary Smalley has authored or co-authored 16 Books.

Some of Dr. Smalley’s relationship books include:

Hidden Keys of a Loving Lasting Marriage

If Only He Knew

For Better or For Best

Mens Relational Toolbox

I would become a SPONGE if I were ever blessed to share a table with either of these Mighty Warriors For The Home.

I would sit there soaking it all in, gleaming from their insights and treasuring the moment.

The lasting affect of all the love and relationship insight that these two servants have blessed the world with will never be fully revealed. The accomplishments of these great leaders will only be fully realized throughout eternity.

I applaud each of them!

Those of you who are familiar with this segment of my work know that you can join us for this coffee break any time you wish. You only have to grab a cup of coffee, pull up a seat at the table and get to know our guests.

You can do that now by visiting the following Websites on the Internet.

For Dr. James Dobson, CLICK HERE!

For Dr. Gary Smalley, CLICK HERE!

For more about me, CLICK HERE!


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